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Pocket Consultant: Occupational Health, 6th Edition

Good Publication Practice Guidelines 2022
International governmental organisations

United Nations

World Health Organization, Occupational health

WHO Global Plan of Action on Workers' Health (GPA) (2008-2017)

International Labour Organization

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
International non-governmental organisations

International Commission on Occupational Health

International Occupational Hygiene Association

International Ergonomics Association
South African national institutions and organisation

National Institute for Occupational Health

Department of Labour

Department of Minerals and Energy

Department of Public Service and Administration

Mine Health and Safety Council

South African Bureau of Standards

Mine Medical Professionals' Association

South African Society of Occupational Medicine

Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa

Institute of Safety Management

Ergonomics Society of SA

SA Protective Equipment Marketing Association
Other countries' national institutions and organisations

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, USA

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

Health and Safety Executive, UK

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, Canada

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland
Official Journal