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Postgraduate occupational health research studies

This listing aims to communicate completed research studies conducted by postgraduate occupational health students in Africa to those with an interest in occupational health research and the application thereof. To view the criteria and to submit a study, click on the Submit your study tab.

Displaying 6 results.

Occupational noise induced hearing loss in South African miners: risk assessment explored at a platinum mine in South Africa

Occupational exposure to flour dust and the associated respiratory outcomes among workers at a selected flour mill in KwaZulu-Natal

A comparison of illuminance values obtained from three illuminance measuring instruments

In vitro permeation of potassium hexachloroplatinate through full thickness human abdominal skin

Particulate emissions and respiratory exposure to hazardous chemical substances during additive manufacturing of sand moulds

Skin colour, photoprotective measures, and solar ultraviolet radiation exposure of workers on a macadamia nut and avocado farm